Cheech & Chong
Custom Cheech & Chong Kashers with custom Cheech & Chong Bic lighters to go with!
Custom Cheech & Chong Kasher Necklaces! - GOLD
Custom Cheech & Chong Kasher Keychains! - GOLD
Custom Cheech & Chong Kasher 360's! - GOLD
Each color and style is a limited edition run we may only manufacture once. If we hear enough requests for another batch, we will consider making more, but currently, our plans are to switch up the Kasher color & artwork each manufacturing batch - so get yours now before they are gone and COLLECT THEM ALL!

Cheech & Chong
From $10

Cheech & Chong Kasher 360
From $9.99

Blue Cheech & Chong Classic KASHER
From $9.99

Cheech & Chong Black
From $9.99

Cheech & Chong Green
From $9.99